Le Chant des Ames

Back cover :
This book presents photographs of ancient Egypt and poems that create a dialogue with the images, in an approach that mainly appeals to our aesthetic sensibility. The photographer, Paul du Marchie van Voorthuysen, born in 1923, has roamed all over the world, living at times in the desert with nomads or in the monasteries of Mount Athos, as well as in holy places in India. The author of the poems, Nicole du Marchie v.V., born in 1960, completed her studies in literature at the University of Lausanne. In the cultural center they have created together in a lonely valley above Montreux, they pursue their quest for beauty through philosophy, music and art.
Price : 35.- CHF, plus postal charges
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Extract :
Never another glance
the song is sung
So whence comes
this soft rustling of time
that serves as a tomb
to vanished memories?